
Did you hear what is happening “back in barbados”?

The volcano on the Caribbean island, St. Vincent (near Barbados), began erupting on April 9, 2021 and as of April 22, is still erupting! The UN has declared the entire population of St. Vincent without clean water! Shelters are collapsing due to ash/rock build up, air is dark as night from ash, entire nation’s crops destroyed, etc. Barbados has become the hub for disaster relief for both Barbados & surrounding islands.

Current highest needs: Access to clean water, food distribution, ash clean up before it causes more damage.

What are we doing about it?

In 24 hours, God has provided potential local partners who are trained and already engaging in both disaster relief and exploring disciples multiplying disciples. An established connection to a cargo ship that they know can transport supplies between islands after flown into Barbados (where Mary’s mom/family is from). The Barbados borders are opening to those fully vaccinated on May 8 weekend - that is when our efforts will fly in.

Connections with NGOs, ministries, and individuals are growing. Prioritizing relief in the highest needs and a multiplication of local leaders in both skills and discipleship. This is a HUGE open door to reach those who are thirsty for both good water and good news.

how can i help?

  1. Give financially - to purchase 100 water filters (100 x $50 = $5,000)* & food/air filters.

  2. PRAY - for open doors, hearts, homes, highways, heavens. Prayer for those who fly in to connect people+supplies+training to respond to the disaster and multiply local leaders.

  3. Join the task-force! Team of people in the states who can help with spreading the word to advocate, research, updates, etc. (email:

*all donations are tax-deductible through our 501c3 partnership with Axia International.

Donate. Distribute. Disciple.


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